Tuesday, December 30, 2014

January 5th Newsletter

Reading Objectives

  • I can ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. 
  • I can recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. 
  • I can know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words with the final syllable -le.
Textbook Story - A Froggy Fable

Math Objectives

  • I can use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve 1 and 2 step word problems.
  • I can add 2 two digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations. 
  • I can explain subtraction strategies work, using place value and the properties of operations.

Upcoming Events

January 5th
Leader of the Month Ceremony
Congratulations Joslyn and Chloe!

January 12th 
PTO Meeting at 5:30

January 15th
Class Picture Day

January 19th
No School


Monday - Music
Tuesday - PE
Wednesday - Guidance
Thursday - Library
Friday - Computer Lab

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week of Giving

I am so thankful for the wonderful class I have this year! These students make it worth it each and every day! Our week of giving was a complete success. I am so proud of each student. They have shown so much maturity, leadership, and kindness this week. Thank you to everyone who made it a success! 

The Socks of Love we created for the homeless made it to the Homeless Vigil in downtown Bowling Green this weekend. I can't wait to tell the kids when we get back!

I will be delivering the donations for our Christmas Angel tomorrow morning. Thank you so much for your help! It makes my heart happy to see seven and eight year olds giving back to others. 


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Website Updates and Upcoming Events

Website Updates

I have finally found the time to work on our classroom blog! Whoahh!
There are now separate pages for reading and math websites. I have added some additional math sites that I think are wonderful! Your student should have logins for Sumdog, Dreambox, and Lexia. The other websites will not require a login.

Our daily schedule is now posted under "Daily Schedule."

Last, there is a page to find your students homework, spelling words, and spelling tic-tac-toe sheet. I understand that homework (especially spelling words) get left at school quite often, so I want to make  sure you have easy access to them when that happens. I'm sorry I am just now coming up with this solution...in December.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, December 16th
- The primary musical will begin at 5:15 pm in the gym.
- All students have a part and are to dress in the appropriate attire
 Earthlings - Holiday outfit or colors (red, green, etc.)
 Marshins - All green

Thursday, December 18th
- We are still taking up items for the Christmas Angel project and Socks of Love for the homeless
- We are in need of sample sized toiletries for the Socks of Love

Friday, December 19th
- Our Christmas Party will start at 1:30 pm
- If you would like to bring something in for the party, we will need individualized drinks, napkins, and baby wipes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall Party

We will have a fall party on Friday. Students are allowed to wear Halloween costumes if they would like. We will be outside for the party so please make sure to either wear tennis shoes or bring a pair to change into. All the food and treats will be provided! However, if you can please send your student with one or two rolls of toilet paper for one of our games, that would be great! 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 27th Weekly Update

We have a CRAZY week ahead! In order to prevent insanity I have outlined our week minute by minute. There will not be any spelling or math homework this week. However, students will still have a leveled reader book to read at home each night. Please feel free to email or call me with any questions! 

Monday, October 27th 
- All 2nd graders will sing Fifty Nifty United States during morning meeting (8:15am). 
- All 2nd graders will sing Fifty Nifty United States for Leadership Night. Families, we want as many students there as possible. Please have your child there by 6:00pm. I encourage everyone to come and watch our performance! 

Tuesday, October 28th - Leadership Day
- This is a day where educators from around the state come and observe how Natcher implements the 7 Habits and the Leader in Me program
- We will have many visitors in and out of the classroom
- Students will be on a different schedule as we make accommodations and plans to meet with these visitors 
- Five chosen students will perform Fifty Nifty United States for our visitors. If you have a child performing this day, please make sure they are dressed to impress (Sunday church clothes)

Wednesday, October 29th
- Regular day 

Thursday, October 30th - Jackson's Orchard Field Trip
- Buses will leave at 9:00am 
- Parent volunteers can meet us there or follow the buses from Natcher
- Students will bring back a pumpkin to take home
- We will be back at school by 12:30pm

Friday, October 31st - Fall Party
- Students can wear costumes 
- Our fall party will start at 2:15pm 


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Leadership Notebooks

Hello families!
Next week we will be working on our leadership notebooks and I am really in need of tab dividers. They will be used to seperate sections inside each student binder. If you can, please send students with colored dividers on Monday or Tuesday. 
Thanks for all you do!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 22nd Weekly Update

I hope everyone had a great time at our Fall Festival on Friday! I had a great time visiting with my students and their families. The goat kissing however, not so much fun! : )

We will be discussing contractions in ELA this week. So, all our spelling words will be contractions. I encourage parents to go over the meaning of each spelling word with your student at home. 

Spelling List #1
1. can't
2. it's
3. he's
4. I'm
5. didn't
6. who's
7. she's
8. aren't
9. isn't
10. haven't
11. hadn't
12. I'll
13. great
14. worst

Spelling List #2
1. would've
2. should've
3. might've
4. wouldn't
5. who've
6. shouldn't
7. who'd
8. this'll
9. couldn't
10. what've
11. weren't
12. there'll
13. mightn't
14. there've 

Field Trip
Tomorrow I will be sending home a field trip permission form. On October 30th the 2nd grade classes will be taking a short trip to Jackson's Orchard for some fall festivities. Please complete and return the permission form ASAP. 


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Math and Lexia

Good morning! I have finally been given the Sumdog login information for all of my students. I will be sending home a small orange card with their username and password on it today. I encourage everyone to use Sumdog at home if possible. The link is www.sumdog.com

As you know we started a new math unit this week. This unit will consist of many components, including number sense, addition and subtraction, fact families, recognizing numbers on a double ten frame, and solving word problems. I expect my entire class to reach their full potential during math these next few weeks. Yesterday, I began introducing students to these math skills through a few different games. They loved them! 

This is Ayden and Hannah playing Race to 40. 
This game encourages students to become fluent in addition facts and number representation.

Smiles during math?! That is what I like to see : )

Here are a few more of my mathematicians! They are playing Race to 100!

Now, I wanted to give a HUGE shout out to all the families allowing their students to work on Lexia at home. You are making a huge difference. I have been sending home certificates to each child that levels up throughout the week. We are averaging about one student a day to advance. That is GREAT! I sent home login cards for Lexia at the beginning of the year. I can send home more, just let me know if you need one. You can find a link to the website version under "My Students" tap or click here
If you are asked to provide a teacher email, it is my email, morgan.elliott@warren.kyschools.us
The app is called "Lexia Core 5" and looks like this...

Here are some of our hard working Lexia kiddos. Three students leveled up in class yesterday! Way to go! 


Monday, September 15, 2014

September 16th Weekly Updates

Spelling List #1
1. hard
2. born
3. horse
4. before
5. more
6. smart
7. farm
8. porch
9. corn
10. chore
11, score
12. part
13. pull
14. break

Spelling List #2
1. border
2. forgot
3. stories
4. parched
5. armies
6. correct
7. thorn
8. market
9. cartoon
10. barber
11. adore
12. drugstore
13. cardinal
14. tornado
15. hazard

I appreciate the hard working students that have been improving on their spelling tests each week! Our Super Improvers Wall is improving every day!

  • If you haven't already, please take the time to download the Schoolway App.  The school with the most downloads will be eligible to win $3,000 worth of prizes.
  • Please come out this Friday, September, 19th for our Fall Festival! 
  • Our Fall fundraiser has also started. All order forms are due September 26th.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2nd Weekly Updates

Happy Tuesday! Although it feels like a Monday! I hope everyone had a great three day weekend. It is always hard to get back into the swing of things but my class did wonderful today.

Spelling - We are working on inflected endings this week in Grammar. So, all of our spelling words have inflected endings ("ed" or "ing"). 
At home: You can ask your child to change the ending of a word by adding "ing" or "ed."

Spelling List #1
1. dropped
2. dropping
3. excited
4. lifted
5. lifting
6. exciting
7. hugged
8. hugging
9. smiled
10. smiling
11. talked
12. talking
13. early
14. warm

Spelling List #2
1. laughed
2. laughing
3. giggled 
4. giggling
5. juggled
6. juggling
7. interested
8. interesting
9. quivered
10. quivering
11. snuggled
12. snuggling
13. ascended
14. descending
15. orbiting

During morning meeting today Mr. Thornhill presented our two leaders of the month for August. Here they are! Great job Hannah and Trent!

 Trent has already shown great leadership qualities this year by putting first things first. Trent completed three star homework almost every night and worked extremely hard on in-class activities. I am very proud of Trent for accepting all the challenges that have come his way.

Hannah has been a leader this month by putting forth her best effort in everything she does. She listens well to instruction and always puts first things first. I saw Hannah act like a leader multiple times this month by helping her friends in and out of the classroom.

We started our book clubs today! I have placed students into reading groups for the month. While with their book club members, students will read a part of their chosen book and complete their daily job activities. Students will read one chapter a day until the book is complete. Once they have finished the book, they will work on their first book project! Each day students have a different job while in book clubs. These jobs are, quiz maker, scene setter, character analyzer, problem solver, and story teller. Each day students will share their work with their group and converse over the reading assignment. Each group picked out their book today and did a great job sharing the readings for the day. I think book clubs are a great way to get students motivated to read and practice our 7 Habits! 

Speaking of 7 Habits...our Lighthouse Team Leader, Hunter, came to visit us today. He taught the class the important components of Habit 1 - Be Proactive. We recited and practiced the motions for all 7 Habits. This was a big help to me since I am a rookie! We can't wait for him to come back!


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Reading Books

I just realized I forgot to remind the class to bring their reading books home tonight! If you happen to see this, do not worry about the reading for tonight. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Notes for this week

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
We are getting ready for another exciting week in 2nd grade. I just wanted to let you know of a few things coming up at Natcher and in our classroom.

I will be sending home four math pages this week. Students can complete one page a night for two star homework!

I am always supportive of families working on extra school work at home or simply acting interested in academics. I wanted to inform everyone of our weekly objectives in case you want to quiz them when they get home!

ELA Focus
- Identifying the subject (who) and predicate (what) of a sentence.
- Finding the main idea and use details from the text as support.
At Home:
Ask students to write sentences and underline the predicate or subject.
Check student work to make their "complete sentences" are really complete.
Have students create a graphic organizer/web of the main idea and details of their Leveled Reader.

Math Focus
- Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represents amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones.
- Read and write numbers to 1,000 in standard, word, and expanded form.
Ex: 600 (standard form), six hundred (word form), 600+1=600 (expanded form)
At Home:
Please allow your students to work on the math pages I sent home this week. The types of questions on these papers will very similar to the questions on our unit test.

Science Focus
- Identifying the steps to pollination.
- Labeling the parts of a plant.

Spelling List #1
1. stop
2. strap
3. brave
4. ask
5. mask
6. nest
7. hand
8. brave
9. clip
10. stream
11. twin
12. breeze
13. state
14. build

Spelling List #2
1. fragile
2. shrunk
3. brunch
4. sphere
5. challenge
6. cluster
7. while
8. spruce
9. special
10. schedule
11. throne
12. friction
13. sphinx
14. breathe

Also, I will be gone for a training on Wednesday of this week. I will prepare my students for the substitute but please encourage your students to be on their BEST behavior. I am very nervous for my first sub!


Monday, August 18, 2014

Homework Questions

So, I wanted to thank everyone for being so patient while the 2nd Grade team and I continue to work out the kinks of "Star Homework." I know it is something completely different! I am very excited to implement it in the classroom. I have already seen the motivation and excitement my students are getting about doing their homework! I know...it's crazy! 

Star Homework Q/A

Q: What do they HAVE to do?

A: Read for 20 minutes every night! 
I recommend (as it is listed) that students read their Leveled Reader (a small reading book they will receive from me each week) twice a week and our weekly classroom story (inside our Reading textbook). If your child forgets their Leveled Reader or their textbook. No big deal! We read both the LR and the textbook story in class each day! Let your child read a book or story from home if they don't have any materials from school. If there are no books at home, please let me know so I can send your child home with a few to choose from! 

Q: What is optional? 
A: Spelling, Math, Writing, 
The options will change each week! So, I am hesitant to tell you these will always just be options. For now, they are options! This means if your student does extra math, spelling, or writing outside of school they will be able to claim "two star homework." I have been sending home a Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe worksheet for homework the past two weeks. Students can complete as many squares as they would like anytime throughout the week. Let me know if students need another spelling worksheet or if they lose their spelling word list. I will be happy to send home another one! 
Currently in math, I am working with groups of students based on their level. Students will work in 20 minute rotations (math centers, teacher station, and independent work). No one will have math work sent home with them this week. It will be completed in class during their independent work time. Whatever is not finished gets carried onto the next days independent work. Eventually, they will have required math work at home, but not yet! If you would like to work with your child on their math skills at home, GREAT! I always send home a weekly newsletter that should inform you on what we are covering in math that week! Currently, we are working on place value, addition facts, and noticing patterns on the hundreds chart (skip counting and odd/even numbers). I have also told my class they are allowed to take home their math workbook and complete pages inside that for "two star homework." 

Q: What are all the stars about?
A: Each week we set a class homework goal. Last week our goal was 180 stars. Each day I went through homework folders and checked student work. I ask all students who completed three star homework to stand up. We calculate how many stars we have. Those students receive a 10 Finger Wooo (ask your student to explain). I ask anyone who completed two star homework to stand up. Those students receive a 5 Finger Woo (ask your student to explain). We calculate how many stars we have. I ask anyone who completed one star homework to stand up. We calculate our total for the day. On Friday if we have reached our weekly goal, the class receives extra recess! 

I hope this clears up some questions you might be having! Please let me know if there is anything I need to add or clarify! 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Hard Work

We have just finished our first full week! Ms. Elliott's class has been working very hard! 
This week in reading we focused on identifying the character and setting of a story. We have read The Twin Club, a story from our textbook, and Flat Stanley a book study during RTI Reading. I taught the kids how to act like CRAZY PROFESSORS and dramatically act out a summary of the story. Ask your student to summarize a story using their crazy professor skills. You will see quite a show! 

I am very excited to get my students involved in our book studies this year. Each week we will focus on one short chapter and complete some fun activities to go along with the book. This week, we read Flat Stanley. Your child was able to make their own Flat Stanley. This very "flat" young boy is known for traveling around the world because he is so flexible! We will be sending our classroom Stanley off to Lexington in a few weeks! We identified the character traits of Stanley by creating a Twitter page! Well kind of...
We discussed how Stanley felt, where he was going, and what he might be thinking. Then, we tweeted about it! Here is @FlatStanley twitter page. We had some very clever tweeters! 

A couple student responses: 
"AHH! I am so flat!"
"Yes! I'm out of this tree #freedom"

We have also been working on many skills in math! Odd and even numbers, place value, and addition! One of the many games I am excited about showing my students is one they really enjoyed, Super Speed Math. Students are paired with a partner. They have one minute to answer as many addition facts as they can. They record their stopping spot on their test paper (I sent a copy of these home today, green sheet of paper). I reset the timer and the next partner goes. If a student misses a problem or is having trouble, their partner will "help" because they are looking at the answers on the back! I love this game because it teaches foundational math skills that our kids are going to use FOREVER. It is different than most timed math quizzes because it is not a quiz at all. Our kids are trying to beat their own personal records! There are five levels to Super Speed Math. When students finish the addition facts, they move on to level two, subtraction facts. Please allow your child to practice their math facts at home when you have time! Asking them questions out loud is much more beneficial than writing problems on a piece of paper for them. It is also a lot faster : )

These two girls broke their records on the second try! Way to go! 
Ask your child to show you how to play Super Speed Math. It will be worth it! 

Today in math we reviewed odd and even numbers by playing memory. You can tell that I love group/partner work! 

Everyone is quickly getting into the swing of our normal schedule. Next week we will begin centers and our regular reading and math rotations. I will be creating a post this weekend about our star homework challenge! 
Have a great weekend! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Spelling List - August 11th

For my friends that forgot their spelling list at school today :) 


Friday, August 8, 2014

Our First Week

Class in Rm. #110 has kicked off to a great start! It has been very exciting meeting each of my students. They all have such wonderful but different personalities! I can tell we have a lot of eager learners. Here is a picture of our first day together! 

I was busy and nervous on our first day that I forgot to take pictures of our activities. However, we had a great time drinking "jitter juice" after a read aloud of First Day Jitters. After reading the story and washing away our jitters we took a vote! How many students liked our jitter juice? I believe there were 19 that said they would drink it again! 

Unfortunately, we did have to go over our rules and procedures a LOT since it was the first few days of school. Good news is, they now have our Five Classroom Rules completely memorized (let's hope they don't lose it over the weekend). In case you aren't familiar with the Whole Brain Teaching Rules, you can access them  here. I will be using Whole Brain quite a bit in my classroom this year. I believe it is the best way to teach and motivate my students! 

Yesterday, we had a great time sharing our memory bags! I loved seeing and hearing the memories they each brought! A lot of our students had similar memories/items. It was neat to see them build those connections with one another! Here are some of our friends sharing their memories! 

We have had two scavenger hunts this year! Our first scavenger hunt happened yesterday. Students were asked to find different people in our classroom that liked or could do certain things. For example, find someone who has a dog! After direction, they all got the hang of it! Khushi, was the first person to find an answer for each question! I liked this activity because they were learning things about each other and getting to talk to someone other than their close friends! My shy kiddos really stepped up during this scavenger hunt! Yay! Today was our second scavenger hunt. This scavenger hunt tested their knowledge of our classroom. They had to find different things around the room (something tall, something that starts with a "m"). Fun times! 

Happy Birthday Danny! We celebrated our first birthday of the year today. Parents you are more than welcome to bring goodies for your child to share with the class on their birthday!

Danny said, "You can call me the chocolate monster!" 

Thank you parents for bringing in your forms so fast! We were given a compliment from the front office for being so speedy! 

We have had a great start to the year! 


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Open House

I finally met my students! There are no words to describe by excitement! I can finally place a face with those names! 
Parents, thank you so much for coming to Open House last night. I know this is going to be a great year. I hope everyone got the information they needed but if not, please let me know so I can send that home with your student on Wednesday! 

Things I need on Wednesday are: 
Student Transportation Form - I need to know how your child will go home on the first day of school and for the rest of the year. 
Student Emergency Card (green piece of paper)
Student Technology Form (orange half slip) - Our library staff need this in order for students to use our computers and check out library books.
Email address -Please provide me with a valid email address so I can send blog updates, Natcher News, etc. 
Student Supplies - I know Wal-Mart is going to be hectic but I would like to have important student supplies (pencils, crayons, and glue) by the first day. 

Things I would like to have but are not required:
Student Information - This is just for our classroom so I can get to know your students as quickly as possible.
Volunteers - I know we are all busy but please let me know if you would be willing to help me with classroom duties throughout the year!

It is going to be a great year! 


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Whoah! I was finally able to get in my room this past week. I am so thankful for my mom's help throughout the whole cleaning out stage! I was left with a LOT of materials. This is what my room looked like when I first saw it!
I knew I had a lot of cleaning and organizing to do! My 4th of July was spent at school. I was making so much progress! Those walls were way too dark and dirty for me to be around...they had to go. Can't wait to post more pictures as I finish up my room!

 Wow, I have been offered a 2nd grade-teaching job at Natcher Elementary for this fall and could not be more excited! I cannot wait to begin this journey with some amazing co-workers and students. While student teaching in Lexington my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Hamlyn always kept a blog for her classroom parents. I hope to communicate with the families of my students through this blog and share my ideas and questions with other teachers.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Testing Post

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