So, I wanted to thank everyone for being so patient while the 2nd Grade team and I continue to work out the kinks of "Star Homework." I know it is something completely different! I am very excited to implement it in the classroom. I have already seen the motivation and excitement my students are getting about doing their homework! I's crazy!
Star Homework Q/A
Q: What do they HAVE to do?
A: Read for 20 minutes every night!
I recommend (as it is listed) that students read their Leveled Reader (a small reading book they will receive from me each week) twice a week and our weekly classroom story (inside our Reading textbook). If your child forgets their Leveled Reader or their textbook. No big deal! We read both the LR and the textbook story in class each day! Let your child read a book or story from home if they don't have any materials from school. If there are no books at home, please let me know so I can send your child home with a few to choose from!
Q: What is optional?
A: Spelling, Math, Writing,
The options will change each week! So, I am hesitant to tell you these will always just be options. For now, they are options! This means if your student does extra math, spelling, or writing outside of school they will be able to claim "two star homework." I have been sending home a Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe worksheet for homework the past two weeks. Students can complete as many squares as they would like anytime throughout the week. Let me know if students need another spelling worksheet or if they lose their spelling word list. I will be happy to send home another one!
Currently in math, I am working with groups of students based on their level. Students will work in 20 minute rotations (math centers, teacher station, and independent work). No one will have math work sent home with them this week. It will be completed in class during their independent work time. Whatever is not finished gets carried onto the next days independent work. Eventually, they will have required math work at home, but not yet! If you would like to work with your child on their math skills at home, GREAT! I always send home a weekly newsletter that should inform you on what we are covering in math that week! Currently, we are working on place value, addition facts, and noticing patterns on the hundreds chart (skip counting and odd/even numbers). I have also told my class they are allowed to take home their math workbook and complete pages inside that for "two star homework."
Q: What are all the stars about?
A: Each week we set a class homework goal. Last week our goal was 180 stars. Each day I went through homework folders and checked student work. I ask all students who completed three star homework to stand up. We calculate how many stars we have. Those students receive a 10 Finger Wooo (ask your student to explain). I ask anyone who completed two star homework to stand up. Those students receive a 5 Finger Woo (ask your student to explain). We calculate how many stars we have. I ask anyone who completed one star homework to stand up. We calculate our total for the day. On Friday if we have reached our weekly goal, the class receives extra recess!
I hope this clears up some questions you might be having! Please let me know if there is anything I need to add or clarify!